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Christmas Eve Poinsettias

Church altar at Christmas

Order plants for Dec. 24 pickup
Deadline Dec. 10

Help decorate the altar with beautiful poinsettias!


2 ways to sponsor


  1. Donate $1.00 or more toward plants for our elderly and shut-in members.

  2. Donate $7.50 per plant to take home after Christmas Eve services. Colors are red or white. 


Sponsor in Memory of, in Honor of, or for your own enjoyment.


Names will appear in the Christmas Eve bulletin. Print and fill out the form on this page if you didn't receive the December Tower Tymes. 


Poinsettia Order Form (print this page)
Due Sun., Dec. 10


$1 x number of shut-in sponsorships $_____     


$7.50 x number of plants $______   Qty red ____   Qty white ____


List a name for each sponsorship in the Christmas Eve worship bulletin: 


In memory of name(s) ______________________________________


In honor of name(s) ________________________________________


For enjoyment (my name) ___________________________________


Mail or bring your check to St. Paul's UCC, 5 W. Arch St., Fleetwood PA 19522 with this form.

Book your special event or meeting at St. Paul's, a smoke-free/alcohol-free facility.

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