Ministries - Music
Music is a great way to express our love for God through the global language of music. St. Paul's UCC welcome all voices and musical abilities.
If you are interested in sharing your voice, playing hand bells or a musical instrument, come join us! Contact choir director Jill Haley to match your interest with an ensemble or to schedule your specific interests.

Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir (adult choir) sings a variety of styles of worship songs from classic hymns to more contemporary songs. Practices are every Wednesday evening from 7 to 8, and they sing every Sunday at the second service (10:30 a.m.) from September through May. On special Sundays, the choir will sing at both services.
The Chancel Choir also performs a Christmas cantata during a Sunday worship service in December.

Bell Choir
Hand bells add a unique dimension to our worship services. Practices are generally every Wednesday evening from 6:15 to 6:55 (earlier during Lent). The Bell Choir rings once a month from September through May and on a Wednesday Lenten service.
Other opportunities to ring include accompanying the Chancel Choir.

Children's Choir
The children practice during Sunday school, which starts at 9 a.m. The kids sing in church on different Sundays each month during the school year.

Special Music
If you sing or play an instrument, St. Paul's would love to hear from you! We welcome solos, duets, trios and small ensembles to perform a prelude, offertory or special music during worship. If you need a piano or organ accompanist, one will be provided.
Contact Jill Haley to participate in the joy of our music ministry!