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  Ministries - Outreach

The mission outreach of St. Paul’s is inspired by the words of Jesus . . .

“Whatever you have done for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.”


Our calling as the church is to respond to a world that is in need. For St. Paul’s that need may be as close as a family in our neighborhood or a family thousands of miles around the world. We are a congregation that cares for God’s family and strive to do our part in spreading the love of God through our actions.



Food Pantry


First Thursday of each month from 4:30-6 p.m. in the community center at 110 W. Arch St., Fleetwood, PA. 


Missions Committee


  • organizing yearly work trips for adults;

  • overseeing the humanitarian and operational aspects of the New Beginnings Mission House;

  • organizing cross-cultural mission trips, with the most recent having been to Ghana, West Africa; and

  • managing outreach contributions to area agencies.


Helping Hands Committee


In conjunction with the Property Committee, this group works on minor repairs in the church and provides service to people in need in our community. This is a great way to exercise the inner handyman/woman in you!


Parish Visitors


Parish visitors volunteer to provide monthly companionship to homebound members of our church. If you have an hour or two to spare each month, then you will not only be a blessing to others but you will be blessed as well.


Opportunity House


Opportunity House is an outreach ministry that provides many services to the city of Reading. One of their ministries is a shelter that houses men, women and families. Volunteers from area churches and other organizations provide meals at the shelter 365 days a year. St. Paul’s is part of that volunteer force. Various groups take turns preparing and serving one meal each month. To find out when our next visit will be, contact the church office (scroll down).

National (U.S.)


  • Adult Mission Trips

  • Youth Mission Trips

  • Heifer Project Disaster

  • Clean-up Buckets - Church World Service

  • C.R.O.P. Walk assists our food-insecure neighbors




St. Paul's UCC supports the following global mission projects:


  • Our Church's Wider Mission

  • One Great Hour of Sharing

  • Ghana, Africa

  • Natural disaster relief

  • German cultural exchange

  • Adult mission trips

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