Event Information
St. Paul's Book Group
Tues., Oct. 29 at 7 p.m.
in the lounge
Sisters in Arms: A Novel of the Daring Black Women Who Served in WW II
by Kaia Alderson​
This novel reveals the untold, true story of the Six Triple Eight, the only all-Black battalion of the Women’s Army Corps, who made the dangerous voyage to Europe to ensure American servicemen received word from their loved ones during World War II.
Start reading the book for November 26, "The Water Keeper" by Charles Martin. Our November choice is described as a riveting new story of heroism, heartache, and the power of love to heal all wounds.
All are welcome to participate. The glass doors at the Green Street entrance will be open for your convenience.
Church contact: Sharon Dreibelbis
Christmas Bazaar
Saturday, Nov. 9 from 9 to 1
Come to our annual holiday bazaar and white elephant sale!
Lunch and baked goods in the social room
Silent raffle of 40 baskets that include Italian cuisine, baby items, East Penn Manufacturing swag, baking, games and gardening. Drawing will be held that day. You need not be present to win.
Crafters and other vendors
Toy room
Book room
White elephant sale
Take a selfie with Mrs. Claus!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
First Mon. of each month at 7 p.m.
(next gathering is Mon., Nov. 4)
New to knitting or crocheting? We will teach you!
Looking for a relaxing way to socialize and create something that will provide comfort and warmth to someone? Check out this close-knit group! (See what we did there?)
Lunch and Lectionary
Saturdays at noon
Bring your lunch and a Bible, and together we will read and discuss the scriptures for the next day's worship service.
Weekly on Saturdays at noon in the lounge (near Green Street entrance)​​
Led by Vicky Garl
Rejoicing Spirits of Eastern Berks County
No-Shush Worship Service
St. Paul's UCC Kutztown 3 to 4 p.m.
First Sunday of each month
47 S. Whiteoak Street, Kutztown, PA
All are welcome at this no-shush, 30 to 40 minute worship experience that enriches the lives of all people, especially those who are differently abled, their families and caregivers.
Rejoicing Spirits includes music and joyous singing, brief, meaningful messages and the chance to connect with others. This worship experience offers people of all abilities a chance to lead and serve their faith community. A time of fellowship and snacks follows.
Follow them on Facebook at Rejoicing Spirits Eastern Berks