Ministries and Committees

There are many ways to serve God. Bring your unique skills and talents to one (or more!) of these ministries at St. Paul's U.C.C.
Worship and Music Ministries
Learn about our worship ministry and music ministry.
Helping Hands
This committee that provides help to members of the congregation including rides to medical appointments, picking up groceries or light cleaning, is reorganizing. Watch this page for more info when they're up and running.
This lively committee supports these initiatives:
Evangelism/welcoming new members into the life of St. Paul's
Providing hosts/hostesses for celebrations of life and other gatherings that welcome visitors
Recruiting volunteers to take a turn at coffee time, etc.
St. Paul's is an Open and Affirming congregation.
Email the Hospitality ministry
The Guild
The Guild sponsors events such as pot pie suppers, the Christmas bazaar and annual rummage sale. Members also provide gifts for the residents of Phoebe Ministries in Berks County and in Allentown. They hosted bingo parties at area retirement communities and collect toiletry items for Berks Women in Crisis. This committee also provides financial support for organizations such as Volunteer Home Care and the local food pantry.
The Guild also oversees the use and maintenance of the equipment in the large, restaurant-quality kitchen.
Any member of St. Paul's UCC is welcome to join this active group. Contact Deb Reinert through the church office to learn more.

Prayer Shawl
Informally known as the St. Paul’s Hook and Needles Company #1, this growing ministry knits and crochets colorful prayer shawls and squares, prayer stoles for confirmands, lap robes, small blankets, and caps and scarves.
The shawls and stoles represent God’s love, comfort and peace for those experiencing difficult life challenges and personal loss. Our ministry has expanded in recent years to include joyful occasions such as weddings, births and baptisms.
We serve anyone in our church family, local community, and throughout the world who may request a prayer shawl. Since launching in January 2008, the group has distributed more than 2,000 shawls and is still going strong.
1. Join us at 7 p.m. in the church lounge the first Monday of each month except:
- September on the second Monday (avoids Labor Day)
- July and December - not meeting in person
Even if you’ve never picked up a knitting needle or crochet hook, our skilled members are happy to teach you. You will be showered with encouragement!
2. Request a prayer shawl or square by asking a member of the committee or church office.
3. Make a financial donation. Your giving helps our hook and needle creations blanket the world with God’s love. Please note “Prayer Shawl Ministry” on your check or cash envelope.
Questions about the Prayer Shawl ministry can go to Sharon Dreibelbis or Cindy Katzenmoyer.
Or email the Prayer Shawl Ministry
Make an online prayer request.
Prayer Chain
Lifts up in prayer those who are experiencing health challenges and other life-changing hurdles.
To further boost the power of prayer, the church office can also list the loved one in worship bulletins with your permission. These names will also be included in pastoral prayers during worship.
Connect with this unique ministry through Deb Reinert or the Prayer Request form.
This team tracks and reports the church's finances to consistory and prepares the annual budget. St. Paul's welcomes those with a "head for figures" to be a light for continuing the financial strength of this church and our wider missions.
Recommends and secures personnel, nurtures and supports church staff, and recommends salary and benefit figures in the budget-planning process.
Provides leadership for church property maintenance including repairs and improvements. You don't need to know how to make minor repairs yourself, but we can teach you. Experience with costs, negotiating, and project management is beneficial.
Helps members recognize and utilize their talents and gifts. This team raises funds to support the church's mission and educates the congregation about the Christian meaning of stewardship. The Lord loves a faithful giver!
Technology (see Worship Ministry)
Christian Education
Provides overall leadership for the educational ministries of the children and youth. Membership on this committee is open to any church member.
Sunday School: Help our children grow in faith by being a teacher, assistant or sub to teach one-hour classes on Sunday mornings.
Lunch and Lectionary Bible study is every Sat. at noon in the lounge just inside the Green Street entrance. Contact Vicky Garl. Bring your lunch while we discuss the scripture for the coming Sunday worship service.
Visit Christian Ed page
Youth Ministry
Visit the Youth Ministry page
For more details on any of these ministries, the church office staff are eager to help you explore options based on your interests.
Can't participate in person but want to help? Donate to support one or more of these ministries.