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Vacation Bible School

Food Truck Party: On a roll with God!
Sunday, June 25 thru Thurs., June 29, 2023
6 to 8 p.m.
for kids ages 3 through 12

Calling all Jesus lovers and food fanatics, we want to see YOU at this year’s VBS!


The theme for is Food Truck Party, where the kids will learn Bible stories that focus on the sharing and eating of food. Activities include crafts, snacks, singing and dancing all week long.


For a sneak peak, one familiar story is the feeding of the 5,000, when Jesus took five loaves of bread and two fish and fed thousands of people with a blessing. The song "Five-Two-One Eat!" is a fun way to learn about the story while also dancing with your friends. 


Sign up your kids and invite their friends to know the excitement and joy that comes with attending VBS.


Registration forms are in the narthex and by the church office. Give your completed form to a Sunday school teacher, Riley Wentz, or the church office.


Like other programs at St. Paul's, children are welcome regardless of their parents' church affiliation.


VBS is held outdoors as weather permits. Our enthusiastic youth (grades 7-12) will assist our teachers in leading games, songs, and stories from the Bible. 


Have a question about VBS


Ask Youth and Family Ministry Leader Riley Wentz or the church office (scroll down to footer to email us).  

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